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Development Programs in South Sudan


Our commitment to our fellow communities in Africa remains unwavering. Through strong partnerships with organizations in South Sudan, we strive to support the rebuilding of war-torn communities, both socially and economically. We are working towards a brighter and more resilient future for those who have endured hardships, ensuring that they find hope and strength to move forward. 

Elizabeth Aluk Andrea
Founder and chairperson of MW4WSS

To be in development, you have to be in peace.
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Trauma Healing

We organized trauma healing workshops for women and men, equipping them with essential skills to alleviate stress, cope with grief, and rekindle hope. The participants revealed a significant demand for these services in the region, emphasizing the urgent need to mend the emotional wounds of women, children, and families who have endured the hardships of war, loss, separation, and physical harm.

Economic Empowerment

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we took action to support vulnerable communities by employing and training 15 women in mask-making. This initiative not only provided them with the means to make ends meet but also improved their livelihood skills.

Learn more about our work in South Sudan.

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